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Vetal SAT Antigen; It is a bacterial suspension containing dead bacteria prepared from B. abortus S99 strain.
Vetal SAT Antigen; It is a bacterial suspension containing dead bacteria prepared from B. abortus S99 strain.
Intended use: Vetal SAT Antigen is used to detect specific antibodies to S (smooth) brucellosis (B. abortus. B.melitensis. B.suis) and to measure the liter of blood sera that are positive or suspicious in screening test with RBPT antigen.
6 tubes (13x100 mm or 10x75 mm, "U" based) are taken. It is placed in the tube sport. Physiological saline (FFTS) with 0.5% phenol is placed in the first tube as 0.8 ml and 0.5 in the others. On the tubes, respectively; "1/10", "1/20", 1/40, "1/80", "1/160" and "control" are written. In the first tube, 0.2 ml of blood to be tested is placed in the serum and mixed well with a pipette. Take 0.5 ml with a clean pipette and transfer to the second tube. It is mixed thoroughly and transferred to the third tube of 0.5 ml. Blood serum diluted to the fifth tube is discarded by taking 0.5 ml of this tube. 0.5 ml SAT antigen is put on reconstituted blood sera and 6th tube, well mixed tubes are kept at 37 ° C for 16 - 24 hours. The last tube with "agglutination" at the bottom of the tubes is considered to be the titer of the blood serum.
"U" based microplates are used in the MikroSAT test. In the test, the serum (20 µI) used is performed by reducing 0.5% FFTS (80 pl to one well, 50 pl to others) and antigen (50 pl) by 10 times.
Positive and negative controls are also used in evaluation. For positive control, a serum with a known titer is taken and diluted like test serum to work in parallel. As a negative control, the 6th tube (0.5 ml 0.5% FFTS and 0.5 ml VETALSAT Antigen) is released. There should be no agglutination in the negative control. The last tube / microplate pit with "agglutination" at its base is considered as the titer of the blood serum.
Vetal SAT Antigen should be shaken before each use.
Disposal Conditions:
Since it is an inactive product, it does not require conditions for destruction.
Vetal SAT Antigen is stored in dark environment and at + 2 ° C / +8 ° C.
It is packaged in bottles of 20, 50, 100, 200 and 300 ml.