+90 0531 272 32 68
+90 416 223 20 30
Vaccine; It is used for protective purposes against enterotoxemia (Pulpy kidney and Struck = Braxylike disease) of cows, calves, calves, sheep and goats.
It is a combined vaccine with Aluminum hydroxide and Saponin adjuvant, toxoid and anaculture prepared with Cl.perfringens type C and D anaculture.
Vaccine; It is used for protective purposes against enterotoxemia (Pulpy kidney and Struck = Braxylike disease) of cows, calves, calves, sheep and goats.
It should not be given to those who remain 6 weeks after birth and to animals with symptoms of enterotoxemia.
It should be injected after being warmed to room temperature and shaken well before use.
The total dose of the vaccine at the first application is 4 ml for cow-calves, 2 ml for calves, 1.5 ml for sheep and 1 ml for lambs.
Cow-calves to be vaccinated for the first time are vaccinated with 21 ml intervals, 2 ml of calves, 1 ml of calves, 1 ml of sheep and 0.5 ml of lambs with the same interval twice with 0.5 ml and 0.5 ml of vaccine.
It is enough to apply 2 ml of vaccine to previous vaccinated cows and calves and 1 ml of vaccine to sheep.
Vaccine; In the cows, calves and calves, the back of the scapula is applied subcutaneously to the underarm area in sheep, goats, lambs and kids.
Against lamb dysentery, it is used as 0.5 ml and 0.5 ml with an interval of 21 days.
The product should be applied and followed by legal authorities. The manufacturer is not responsible for the consequences resulting from the applications made by people other than the authorities. When an unexpected effect is observed, the closest veterinarian should be consulted.
Some animals may experience mild swelling due to the adjuvant at the injection site. In cases where anaphylactic reactions are observed in very sensitive hypersensitive animals, it can be controlled with allergic, adrenergic and antihistamine preparations.
After being kept in autoclave for 30 minutes at 121 ° C, it is thrown into the septic tank.
Store at + 2 ° C / + 8 ° C (under refrigerator conditions). It should never be frozen, it should be kept away from light and heat.
Vaccine; Packaged in 15 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml bottles, 3, 12 and 25 doses for cow-veal, 10, 33 and 66 doses for sheep-goats.